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The majority of my work is with clients in a private practice. I have seen thousands of clients over the last twenty years, many of whom show Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms

I taught a five-year course of body psychotherapy at Reidman College, Haifa, and I give workshops on a range of subjects throughout Israel and the UK (see Workshops).

Until recently, providing complementary treatment to trauma survivors has been the focus of my work and I give talks and workshops on the subject to psychologists and social workers. I also teach Body- psychotherapy, perinatal psychotherapy and trauma therapy in “Shiluv” a college affiliated to Haifa University, as well as giving private sessions in my clinics in Clil and in Tivon.


In July 2006 I gave my first workshop in the U.K “Healing Through the Archetypes” and in 2010 I co-presented two workshops called “Embedded Metaphor- Stories of the Body” .These workshops were designed for therapists to deepen their understanding of working with trauma, both through the body but also through the creative use of the imagination which can allow ourselves to invent ourselves anew.


At present my interest lies in the field of perinatal psychology, conception and incarnation. (See Perinatal).

This work may be regressive – returning to our own experiences in the womb, at birth and of the first few moths of life – experiences which have a deep impact on how we behave and think today- or may involve working with conscious memories of our life experiences and seeing how they have impacted our mind and body. The importance of the process is ultimately spiritual. To help reach a place of self-acceptance, forgiveness and thankfulness that allows for inner peace.  









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